Staff profile
Professor Ifan Hughes
Head of Quantum, Light & Matter
Affiliation | Telephone |
Head of Quantum, Light & Matter in the Department of Physics | +44 (0) 191 33 43606 |
Professor in the Department of Physics | +44 (0) 191 33 43606 |
Responsibilities within department
Chair of the Laboratories Committee; Member of the Scholarship and Prizes committee; Member of the Facilities Committee; Member of the Education Committee; Member of the Staff-Student Consultative Committee.
Teaching activity
Chair of the Laboratories Committee; Level 1 Discovery Skills Errors Lectures; Level 2 Laboratory Skills co-ordinator;
Level 4 course Atoms, photons and qubits (APQ); Level 4 MPhys projects; Graduate Course on Data Analysis.
Research interests
I am an experimental physicist with two main thrusts to my work – the physics of ultracold atoms, and atom-light interactions with thermal ensembles.
Authored book
- Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (in press). Optics f2f. OUP
- From Fourier to Fresnel. OUP
- A practical guide to modern error analysis. OUP
Journal Article
- Hinds, E., Barton, P., Boshier, M., Hughes, I., & Saba, C. (online). Dynamics of cold atoms above a curved magnetic mirror
- Häupl, D. R., Higgins, C. R., Pizzey, D., Briscoe, J. D., Wrathmall, S. A., Hughes, I. G., Löw, R., & Joly, N. Y. (2025). Modelling spectra of hot alkali vapour in the saturation regime. New Journal of Physics, 27, Article 033003.
- Higgins, C. R., Pizzey, D., & Hughes, I. G. (2024). Fine-structure changing collisions in 87 Rb upon D 2 excitation in the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 57(23), Article 235002.
- Briscoe, J. D., Pizzey, D., Wrathmall, S. A., & Hughes, I. G. (2024). Indirect measurement of atomic magneto-optical rotation via Hilbert transform. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 57(17), 175401.
- Alqarni, S. A., Briscoe, J. D., Higgins, C. R., Logue, F. D., Pizzey, D., Robertson-Brown, T. G., & Hughes, I. G. (2024). A device for magnetic-field angle control in magneto-optical filters using a solenoid-permanent magnet pair. Review of Scientific Instruments, 95(3), Article 035103.
- Briscoe, J. D., Logue, F. D., Pizzey, D., Wrathmall, S. A., & Hughes, I. G. (2023). Voigt transmission windows in optically thick atomic vapours: a method to create single-peaked line centre filters. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 56(10), Article 105403.
- Erdélyi, R., Korsós, M. B., Huang, X., Yang, Y., Pizzey, D., Wrathmall, S. A., Hughes, I. G., Dyer, M. J., Dhillon, V. S., Belucz, B., Brajša, R., Chatterjee, P., Cheng, X., Deng, Y., Domínguez, S. V., Joya, R., Gömöry, P., Gyenge, N. G., Hanslmeier, A., Kucera, A., …Zuccarello, F. (2022). The Solar Activity Monitor Network – SAMNet. Journal of Space Weather and Space Climate, 12, Article 2.
- Maxwell, J. L., Hughes, I. G., & Adams, C. S. (2022). White-light versus discrete wavelength measurements of Faraday dispersion and the Verdet constant. European Journal of Physics, 43(1), Article 015302.
- Pizzey, D., Briscoe, J. D., Logue, F. D., Ponciano-Ojeda, F. S., Wrathmall, S. A., & Hughes, I. G. (2022). Laser spectroscopy of hot atomic vapours: from ’scope to theoretical fit. New Journal of Physics, 24,
- Logue, F. D., Briscoe, J. D., Pizzey, D., Wrathmall, S. A., & Hughes, I. G. (2022). Better magneto-optical filters with cascaded vapor cells. Optics Letters, 47(12), 2975-2978.
- Hull, B., Long, A., & Hughes, I. G. (2022). Using residual heat maps to visualise Benford’s multi-digit law. European Journal of Physics, 43(1), Article 015803.
- Ponciano-Ojeda, F. S., Logue, F. D., & Hughes, I. G. (2021). Absorption spectroscopy and Stokes polarimetry in a 87Rb vapour in the Voigt geometry with a 1.5 T external magnetic field. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 54(1), Article 015401.
- Higgins, C. R., & Hughes, I. G. (2021). Electromagnetically induced transparency in a V-system with 87Rb vapor in the hyperfine Paschen–Back regime. Optics Letters, 54(16), Article 165403.
- Mathew, R. S., O’Donnell, R., Pizzey, D., & Hughes, I. G. (2021). The Raspberry Pi auto-aligner: Machine learning for automated alignment of laser beams. Review of Scientific Instruments, 92(1), Article 015117.
- Cutler, T., Hamlyn, W., Renger, J., Whittaker, K., Pizzey, D., Hughes, I., Sandoghdar, V., & Adams, C. (2020). Nanostructured alkali-metal vapor cells. Physical Review Applied, 14(3), Article 034054.
- Higgins, C. R., Pizzey, D., Mathew, R. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2020). Atomic line vs. lens cavity filters: A comparison of their merits. OSA continuum, 3(4), 961-970.
- Anderson, J., Gillen, C., Wright, J., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2020). Optical rotation of white light. American Journal of Physics, 88(3),
- Carr, D. L., Spong, N. L., Hughes, I. G., & Adams, C. S. (2020). Measuring the Faraday effect in olive oil using permanent magnets and Malus' law. European Journal of Physics, 41(2), Article 025301.
- Beswick, B. T., Hughes, I. G., & Gardiner, S. A. (2019). Lattice-depth measurement using continuous grating atom diffraction. Physical Review A, 100(6), Article 063629.
- Peyrot, T., Šibalić, N., Sortais, Y., Browaeys, A., Sargsyan, A., Sarkisyan, D., Hughes, I., & Adams, C. (2019). Measurement of the atom-surface van der Waals interaction by transmission spectroscopy in a wedged nanocell. Physical Review A, 100(2), Article 022503.
- Peyrot, T., Sortais, Y., Greffet, J.-J., Browaeys, A., Sargsyan, A., Keaveney, J., Hughes, I., & Adams, C. (2019). Optical Transmission of an Atomic Vapor in the Mesoscopic Regime. Physical Review Letters, 122(11), Article 113401.
- Keaveney, J., Ponciano-Ojeda, F. S., Rieche, S. M., Raine, M. J., Hampshire, D. P., & Hughes, I. G. (2019). Quantitative optical spectroscopy of $^{87}$Rb vapour in the Voigt geometry in DC magnetic fields up to 0.4T. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 52(5), Article 055003.
- Maucher, F., Skupin, S., Gardiner, S., & Hughes, I. (2019). An intuitive approach to structuring the three electric field components of light. New Journal of Physics, 21, Article 013032.
- Beswick, B. T., Hughes, I. G., & Gardiner, S. A. (2019). Lattice-depth measurement using multipulse atom diffraction in and beyond the weakly diffracting limit. Physical Review A, 99(1), Article 013614.
- Keaveney, J., Wrathmall, S. A., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2018). Optimized ultra-narrow atomic bandpass filters via magneto-optic rotation in an unconstrained geometry. Optics Letters, 43(17), 4272-4275.
- Mathew, R. S., Ponciano-Ojeda, F., Keaveney, J., Whiting, D., & Hughes, I. (2018). Simultaneous two-photon resonant optical laser locking (STROLLing) in the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime. Optics Letters, 43(17), 4204-4207.
- Peyrot, T., Keaveney, J., Sortais, Y. R., Sargsyan, A., Sarkisyan, D., Hughes, I. G., Browaeys, A., & Adams, C. S. (2018). Collective Lamb shift of a nanoscale atomic vapor layer within a sapphire cavity. Physical Review Letters, 120(24), Article 243401.
- Maucher, F., Skupin, S., Gardiner, S., & Hughes, I. (2018). Creating Complex Optical Longitudinal Polarization Structures. Physical Review Letters, 120(16), Article 163903.
- Hughes, I. G. (2018). Velocity selection in a Doppler-broadened ensemble of atoms interacting with a monochromatic laser beam. Journal of Modern Optics, 65(5-6), 640-647.
- Whiting, D. J., Mathew, R. S., Keaveney, J., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2018). Four-wave mixing in a non-degenerate four-level diamond configuration in the hyperfine Paschen–Back regime. Journal of Modern Optics, 65(2), 119-128.
- Keaveney, J., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2017). ElecSus: Extension to arbitrary geometry magneto-optics. Computer Physics Communications, 224, 311-324.
- Whiting, D. J., Šibalić, N., Keaveney, J., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2017). Single-photon interference due to motion in an atomic collective excitation. Physical Review Letters, 118(25), Article 253601.
- Nixon, M., & Hughes, I. (2017). A visual understanding of optical rotation using corn syrup. European Journal of Physics, 38(4), Article 045302.
- Sargsyan, A., Papoyan, A., Hughes, I. G., Adams, C. S., & Sarkisyan, D. (2017). Selective reflection from an Rb layer with a thickness below λ/12 and applications. Optics Letters, 42(8), 1476-1479.
- Beswick, B., Hughes, I., Gardiner, S., Astier, H., Andersen, M., & Daszuta, B. (2016). epsilon-pseudoclassical model for quantum resonances in a cold dilute atomic gas periodically driven by finite-duration standing-wave laser pulses. Physical Review A, 94(6), Article 063604.
- Keaveney, J., Hamlyn, W. J., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2016). A single-mode external cavity diode laser using an intra-cavity atomic Faraday filter with short-term linewidth
- Maucher, F., Gardiner, S., & Hughes, I. (2016). Excitation of knotted vortex lines in matter waves. New Journal of Physics, 18(6), Article 063016.
- Whiting, D., Keaveney, J., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2016). Direct measurement of excited-state dipole matrix elements using electromagnetically induced transparency in the hyperfine Paschen-Back regime. Physical Review A, 93(4), Article 043854.
- Whittaker, K., Keaveney, J., Hughes, I., Sargsyan, A., Sarkisyan, D., & Adams, C. (2015). Spectroscopic detection of atom-surface interactions in an atomic-vapor layer with nanoscale thickness. Physical Review A, 92(5), Article 052706.
- Hanley, R. K., Gregory, P. D., Hughes, I. G., & Cornish, S. L. (2015). Absolute absorption on the potassium D lines: theory and experiment. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 48(19), Article 195004.
- Zentile, M. A., Mathew, R. S., Whiting, D. J., Keaveney, J., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2015). Optimization of atomic Faraday filters in the presence of homogeneous line broadening. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 48(18), Article 185001.
- Whiting, D., Bimbard, E., Keaveney, J., Zentile, M., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2015). Electromagnetically induced absorption in a nondegenerate three-level ladder system. Optics Letters, 40(18), 4289-4292.
- Zentile, M., Whiting, D., Keaveney, J., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2015). Atomic Faraday filter with equivalent noise bandwidth less than 1 GHz. Optics Letters, 40(9), 2000-2003.
- Zentile, M., Keaveney, J., Weller, L., Whiting, D., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2015). ElecSus: A program to calculate the electric susceptibility of an atomic ensemble. Computer Physics Communications, 189, 162-174.
- Whittaker, K., Keveaney, J., Hughes, I., & Adams, C. (2015). Hilbert transform: applications to atomic spectra. Physical Review A - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics, 91(3), Article 032513.
- Whittaker, K., Keaveney, J., Hughes, I., Sargsyan, A., Sarkisyan, D., & Adams, C. (2014). Optical Response of Gas-Phase Atoms at Less than λ/80 from a Dielectric Surface. Physical Review Letters, 112, Article 253201.
- Zentile, M. A., Andrews, R., Weller, L., Knappe, S., Adams, C. S., & Hughes, I. G. (2014). The hyperfine Paschen-Back Faraday effect. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 47(7), Article 075005.
- West, A., Wade, C., Weatherill, K., & Hughes, I. (2012). Piezoelectrically actuated time-averaged atomic microtraps. Applied Physics Letters, 101(2), Article 023115.
- Keaveney, J., Sargsyan, A., Krohn, U., Hughes, I., Sarkisyan, D., & Adams, C. (2012). Cooperative Lamb Shift in an Atomic Vapor Layer of Nanometer Thickness. Physical Review Letters, 108(17), Article 173601.
- Hughes, I., & Hase, T. (2012). Error propagation : a functional approach. Journal of Chemical Education, 89(6), 821-822.
- Weller, L., Dalton, T., Siddons, P., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2012). Measuring the Stokes parameters for light transmitted by a high-density rubidium vapour in large magnetic fields. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 45(5), Article 055001.
- West, A., Hayward, T., Weatherill, K., Schrefl, T., Allwood, D., & Hughes, I. (2012). A simple model for calculating magnetic nanowire domain wall fringing fields. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 45(9), Article 095002.
- Weller, L., Kleinbach, K., Zentile, M., Knappe, S., Hughes, I., & Adams, C. (2012). Optical isolator using an atomic vapor in the hyperfine Paschen–Back regime. Optics Letters, 37(16), 3405-3407.
- Siddons, P., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2012). Optical preparation and measurement of atomic coherence at gigahertz bandwidth. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 45(12),
- Keaveney, J., Hughes, I., Sargsyan, A., Sarkisyan, D., & Adams, C. (2012). Maximal Refraction and Superluminal Propagation in a Gaseous Nanolayer. Physical Review Letters, 109(23), Article 233001.
- Weller, L., Kleinbach, K., Zentile, M., Knappe, S., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2012). Absolute absorption and dispersion of a rubidium vapour in the hyperfine Paschen–Back regime. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 45(21),
- West, A., Weatherill, K., Hayward, T., Fry, P., Schrefl, T., Gibbs, M., Adams, C., Allwood, D., & Hughes, I. (2012). Realization of the Manipulation of Ultracold Atoms with a Reconfigurable Nanomagnetic System of Domain Walls. Nano Letters, 12(8),
- Hayward, T., West, A., Weatherill, K., Schrefl, T., Hughes, I., & Allwood, D. (2011). Nanomagnetic engineering of the properties of domain wall atom traps. Journal of Applied Physics, 110(12), Article 123918.
- Weller, L., Bettles, R., Siddons, P., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2011). Absolute absorption on the rubidium D1 line including resonant dipole–dipole interactions. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(19), Article 195006.
- Kemp, S. L., Hughes, I. G., & Cornish, S. L. (2011). An analytical model of off-resonant Faraday rotation in hot alkali metal vapours. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 44(23), Article 235004.
- Hayward, T., West, A., Weatherill, K., Curran, P., Fry, P., Fundi, P., Gibbs, M., Schrefl, T., Adams, C., Hughes, I., Bending, S., & Allwood, D. (2010). Design and characterization of a field-switchable nanomagnetic atom mirror. Journal of Applied Physics, 108(4),
- Siddons, P., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2010). Optical control of Faraday rotation in hot Rb vapor. Physical Review A, 81(4), Article 043838.
- Javaux, C., Hughes, I., Lochead, G., Millen, J., & Jones, M. (2010). Modulation-free pump-probe spectroscopy of strontium atoms. The European Physical Journal D, 57(2), 151-154.
- Siddons, P., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2009). Off-resonance absorption and dispersion in vapours of hot alkali-metal atoms. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 42(17), Article 175004.
- Siddons, P., Bell, N., Cai, Y., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2009). A gigahertz-bandwidth atomic probe based on the slow-light Faraday effect. Nature Photonics, 3(4), 225-229.
- Sherlock, B., & Hughes, I. (2009). How weak is a weak probe in laser spectroscopy?. American Journal of Physics, 77(2), 111-115.
- Abel, R., Krohn, U., Siddons, P., Hughes, I., & Adams, C. (2009). Faraday dichroic beam splitter for Raman light using an isotopically pure alkali-metal-vapor cell. Optics Letters, 34(20), 3071-3073.
- Harris, M., Cornish, S., Tripathi, A., & Hughes, I. (2008). Optimization of sub-Doppler DAVLL on the rubidium D2 line. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 41(8), Article 085401.
- Siddons, P., Adams, C., Ge, C., & Hughes, I. (2008). Absolute absorption on rubidium D lines: comparison between theory and experiment. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 41(15), Article 155004.
- Smith, D., Arnold, A., Pritchard, M., & Hughes, I. (2008). Experimental single-impulse magnetic focusing of launched cold atoms. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 41(12),
- McCarron, D. J., Hughes, I. G., Tierney, P., & Cornish, S. L. (2007). A heated vapor cell unit for dichroic atomic vapor laser lock in atomic rubidium. Review of Scientific Instruments, 78(9), Article 093106.
- Hughes, I. G., & Pritchard, M. J. (2007). Cool things to do with lasers. Physics Education, 42, 27-36.
- Millett-Sikking, A., Hughes, I. G., Tierney, P., & Cornish, S. L. (2007). DAVLL lineshapes in atomic rubidium. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 40(1), 187-198.
- Pritchard, M. J., Arnold, A. S., Cornish, S. L., Hallwood, D. W., Pleasant, C. V., & Hughes, I. G. (2006). Transport of launched cold atoms with a laser guide and pulsed magnetic fields. New Journal of Physics, 8, Article 309.
- Purves, G., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2006). Sagnac interferometry in a slow-light medium. Physical Review A, 74,
- Allwood, D., Schrefl, T., Hrkac, G., Hughes, I., & Adams, C. (2006). Mobile atom traps using magnetic nanowires. Applied Physics Letters, 89(1),
- Harris, M., Adams, C., Cornish, S., McLeod, I., Tarleton, E., & Hughes, I. (2006). Polarization spectroscopy in rubidium and cesium. Physical Review A, 73(6), Article 062509.
- Arnold, A., Pritchard, M., Smith, D., & Hughes, I. (2006). Double-impulse magnetic focusing of launched cold atoms. New Journal of Physics, 8,
- Pritchard, M., Arnold, A., Smith, D., & Hughes, I. (2004). Single-impulse magnetic focusing of launched cold atoms. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 37(22), 4435-4450.
- Smith, D., & Hughes, I. (2004). The Role Of Hyperfine Pumping In Multilevel Systems Exhibiting Saturated Absorption. American Journal of Physics, 72, 631-637
- Purves, G., Jundt, G., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2004). Refractive index measurements by probe-beam deflection
- Jundt, G., Purves, G., Adams, C., & Hughes, I. (2003). Non-linear Sagnac interferometry for pump-probe dispersion spectroscopy. The European Physical Journal D, 27(3), 273-276.
- Pearman, C., Adams, C., Cox, S., Griffin, P., Smith, D., & Hughes, I. (2002). Polarization spectroscopy of a closed atomic transition: applications to laser frequency locking. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 35(24), 5141-5151.
- Badger, S., Hughes, I., & Adams, C. (2001). Hyperfine effects in electromagnetically induced transparency. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 34(22), L749-L756.
- Hughes, I., Darlington, T., & Hinds, E. (2001). Periodic trajectories of cold atoms in a gravitational cavity. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 34(14), 2869-2880.
- Key, M., Hughes, I., Rooijakkers, W., Sauer, B., Hinds, E., Richardson, D., & Kazansky, P. (2000). Propagation of Cold Atoms along a Miniature Magnetic Guide. Physical Review Letters, 84, 1371-1373.
- Rosenbusch, P., Hall, B., Hughes, I., Saba, C., Hinds, ,., & A., E. (2000). Manipulation of cold atoms by an adaptable magnetic reflector. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 70, 709-720.
- Rosenbusch, P., Hall, B., Hughes, I., Saba, C., Hinds, ,., & A., E. (2000). Manipulation of cold atoms using a corrugated magnetic reflector. Physical Review A, 61, 031404-
- Saba, C., Barton, P., Boshier, M., Hughes, I., Rosenbusch, P., Sauer, B., & Hinds, E. (1999). Reconstruction of a Cold Atom Cloud by Magnetic Focusing. Physical Review Letters, 82, 468-471.
- Hinds, E., & Hughes, I. (1999). REVIEW ARTICLE: Magnetic atom optics: mirrors, guides, traps, and chips for atoms. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 32, 119-
- Lloyd, G., Hughes, I., Bratfalean, R., & Ewart, P. (1998). Broadband degenerate four-wave mixing of OH for flame thermometry. Applied Physics B: Lasers and Optics, 67, 107-113.
- Hinds, E., Boshier, M., & Hughes, I. (1998). Magnetic Waveguide for Trapping Cold Atom Gases in Two Dimensions. Physical Review Letters, 80, 645-649.
- Kaminski, C., Hughes, I., & Ewart, P. (1997). Degenerate four-wave mixing spectroscopy and spectral simulation of C₂ in an atmospheric pressure oxy-acetylene flame. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 106, 5324-5332
- Hughes, I., Barton, P., Roach, T., Boshier, M., & Hinds, E. (1997). Atom optics with magnetic surfaces: I. Storage of cold atoms in a curved `floppy disk'. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 30, 647-658.
- Hughes, I., Barton, P., Roach, T., & Hinds, E. (1997). Atom optics with magnetic surfaces: II. Microscopic analysis of the `floppy disk' mirror. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 30, 2119-2132.
- Hughes, I., & Meacher, D. (1994). Electronic Rydberg wavepacket effects on molecular vibration. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 27, 1377-1386.
- Meacher, D., Meyler, P., Hughes, I., & Ewart, P. (1991). Observations of the collapse and fractional revival of a Rydberg wavepacket in atomic rubidium. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, 24, L63-L69.
Supervision students
Jack Briscoe
PGR Student
Sharaa Alqarni
PGR Student